Our founding team are experienced IT professionals who have spent their careers designing and delivering data management solutions across a range of major industries, including defence, payments, investment banking, commodities trading, transport, and health care.

Having spent the past few years applying blockchain technology to enterprise data challenges, we became frustrated at the unnecesary complexities (technical, legal, and process) of unlocking meaningful real-world impact despite the potential in the technology. We realised that most of these complexities could be removed if pragmatic compromises were made between adherence with necessary IT governance, application of security and business data controls, and controlled addition of public interoperability features.

We founded Rivello to create solutions based on our experience and expertise in delivering IT solutions, and leveraging our unique blockchain-inspired technology.

Meet the Founders

Granular management of the data your business relies on shouldn’t be left to chance. Your ability to show that you know what your business was doing, and when, is crucial to being accountable for your actions and building a reputation that you, and your stakeholders, can be proud of.

  • Founder and CEO

    A technology focused business leader. Having started out as a developer, I have spent the majority of my career building and running teams that exploit data integration technologies.

    Blockchain-inspired tech has the potential to disrupt many of the industries and processes that rely on data integrations between organisations, but only when used in conjunction with existing enterprise IT and governance processes. Bringing this insight to practical life is now the focus of my time as the co-founder of Rivello.

  • Founder and CTO

    An enthusiastic problem solver with broad experience across a range of technologies, domains, and industries, Andy combines deep technical knowledge and strong solution design skills with understanding of the challenges of working within regulated industries to deliver the best possible products to customers and solutions to clients.

Map your data and workflows.

Enhance business workflows with data provenance. Record actions in tamper-evident ledgers.

“You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.”

- Henry Ford

How we work…

Lock-in evidence of your actions.

Rivello technology privately and confidentially locks-in the authenticity of your actions.

Communicate with controlled transparency.

Provide authorised third parties with access to effortless independent verification tools.

Live to your business values without compromise.

Do all of this without exposing sensitive information or compromising commercial differentiators unless it is authorised and relevant.