Our Services

Bespoke data provenance solutions for businesses ready to embrace transparency.

Business Services

Consultancy & Advisory

Our new business tends to come through referrals, often starting with advice around how to augment existing IT systems to transparently show accountable operations and business practices.

Technical Solutions

Solution Design

Designing solutions that solve business problems is what gets us motivated every morning. Solving problems that deliver a more accountable, trusted, and transparent world is what we do.

Bespoke Delivery

We are experienced in delivering highly complex IT solutions to some of the world’s most robust technical and regulatory standards. We are happy to work alongside your teams to deliver the right outcomes.

Data Provenance

Record granular evidence of your business operations. Selectively share these proofs with your stakeholders. Allow them to verify the validity of your claims for themselves. Build your reputation.

Account Management

A closed-loop accounting solution with perfect audit records of every interaction between every account. Atomic transfer between accounts and between account management solutions.

Data Integration

Real-time replication of data between organisations without risk of data loss, transformation errors, or timing mismatch. Independently verifiable audit records of data state for all parties.